
Σε χρόνο μηδέν η Σάρα και η Μάρα του παγκόσμιου δικτύου των Indymedia έτρεξε να σκίσει Ελληνικές Σημαίες και με ΧΡΗΣΗ ΒΙΑΣ να τραβήξει την διεθνή προσοχή των ΜΜΕ στον θάνατο ενός νεαρού στην Ελλάδα. Όλα τα ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΣΥΜΦΕΡΟΝΤΩΝ ΜΜΕ...εμφάνισαν μία Ελλάδα με ασταθές πολίτευμα, ένα ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΚΟ κράτος που εκτελεί ανήλικα ενώ όλος ο Ελληνισμός κατέβηκε στους δρόμους για να προκαλέσει την πτώση της Ιμπεριαλιστικής Κυβέρνησης του Κωστάκη και της Νατάσας Καραμανλή.
Την ίδια μέρα...όλο το φωτογραφικό αποδεικτικό υλικό από τις διαδηλώσεις σε ξένες χώρες ΕΠΕΣΤΡΕΨΕ στην ιστοσελίδα απ'όπου έφυγε η εντολή για τη δημιουργία χάους, δηλαδή στο Ελληνικό Indymedia.Εκεί οργανώθηκε,ταξινομήθηκε και διατίθεται στους ενδιαφερόμενους για να κατανοήσουν τις δυνατότητες της καταστρεπτικής μηχανής που στήθηκε μέσω του Indymedia.
Παρόλα αυτά...ΚΑΝΕΝΑ ELLHNIKO ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΕΙΔΗΣΕΩΝ δεν αναφέρθηκε στα Indymedia του George Soros και ΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕ αναφέρθηκε αυτή η λέξη προσπαθώντας να πείσουν τους Έλληνες...ότι επρόκειτο για μία κοινωνική έκρηξη που την προκάλεσε η ανεργία, τα προβλήματα στην παιδεία και το ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΚΟ κράτος. Κουραφέξαλα δηλαδή...που στοχεύουν στην πτώση του Καραμανλή ... που ΔΕΝ γουστάρουν πλέον οι ΗΠΑ.

Φυσικά το σύνθημα ΠΟΤΕ ΔΕΝ ΔΟΘΗΚΕ για
το 1.000.000 νεκρών της Γιουγκοσλαβίας ,
το 1.000.000 νεκρών του ΙΡΑΚ,
τους 1500 άμαχους νεκρούς της Οσετίας,
για την σφαγή στη Ρουάντα
ή για τα βασανιστήρια του Γκουντάναμο.
ΚΑΜΙΑ απ' όλες αυτές τις ΜΑΖΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΤΕΛΕΣΕΙΣ του ΝΑΤΟ δεν σκότισε τους πιθήκους των Indymedia.
Αντιθέτως αρκούσε ένας μόνος τυχαίος θάνατος στα Εξάρχεια της Αθήνας για να προκαλέσουν 50.000.000 ευρώ ζημιές...ΟΧΙ στην ΕΚΑΛΗ...αλλά στην Πατησίων . Οχι στα ιδιωτικά πανεπιστήμια αλλά στα Δημόσια Πανεπιστήμια των φτωχών. Όχι στις PORSCHE αλλά στα PUNTO.
Σε μία εποχή γενικευμένης κρίσης κι ανεργίας το ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ INDYMEDIA δεχόμενο εντολές από τα γνωστά κέντρα...κατάφερε σε μία νύχτα να στείλει στην ανεργία 2.500 εργαζόμενους και να δημιουργήσει μία ΤΕΧΝΗΤΗ ΕΙΚΟΝΑ χάους κι αναρχίας στην Ελλάδα που στοχεύει στην δραματική μείωση του τουρισμού αλλά και στην απόσυρση ξένων κεφαλαίων από το Χρηματιστήριο.
Με αυτόν τον τρόπο η Ελληνική κυβέρνηση θα ξανασκεφτεί πολύ σοβαρά τη συνεργασία της με τον Πούτιν και θα σταματήσει να χαλάει τα σχέδια των ΗΠΑ για τη "Μακεδονία". Κι όλα αυτά τα "υπέροχα" αποτελέσματα... τα οφείλουμε ...σε ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΤΡΟΜΟΚΡΑΤΕΣ ... που κάνουν χρήση του ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΑΚΟΥ ασύλου που ΣΥΝΕΠΕΣΤΑΤΑ και ΜΕ ΧΑΡΑ τους παρέχει η ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ Πανεπιστημιακή κοινότητα. Μέγας χορηγός ο George Soros που χρηματοδοτεί διεθνώς ΚΑΘΕ ΑΝΘΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑ.
Εκεί υπάρχουν οι οδηγίες για την πραγματοποίηση επιθέσεων αλλά και όλο το αποδεικτικό υλικό της "σπουδαίας" και "δημιουργικής" δράσης του βασιλείου της ΒΙΑΣ των ΗΛΙΘΙΩΝ. Φυσικά το Indymedia φιλοξενείται στους server του Πολυτεχνείου το οποίο οι Πρυτανικές Αρχές ΛΑΤΡΕΥΟΥΝ να το βλέπουν να καίγεται προκειμένου να ξανατσεπώσουν ΜΙΖΕΣ για τον καινουργιό εξοπλισμό που αγοράζεται σε ετήσια βάση πλέον.
ΣΧΟΛΙΟ liondani
It does not want also a lot of brain occupies no one THAT WAS ORGANISED the ATTACK IN the GREEK SOCIETY. In time zero [Sara] and [Mara] of world network of Indymedia ran to rip Greek Flags and with USE of VIOLENCE to pull the international attention of SME in the death of one of young man in Greece. All AMERICAN INTERESTS SME… they presented Greece with unstable regime, a POLICE state that executes minors while the all Hellenism went down in the streets in order to it causes the fall of Imperialistic Government of [Kostaki] and [Natasas] Karamanlis. The same day… did the all photographic probative material from the demonstrations in foreigner countries RETURN in the web page [ap]'? where it left the command for the creation of chaos, that is to say in Greek Indymedia.[Ekei] was organised, it was categorized and it is sold in interested in order to they comprehend the possibilities of calamitous machine that were set up via Indymedia. Nevertheless… NO ONE ELLHNIKO BULLETIN of NEWS was not reported in Indymedia of George Soros and was not reported this word trying they convince the Greeks… that it was a social explosion that him caused the unemployment, the problems in the education and the POLICE state. [Koyrafexala] that is to say… that aims in the fall of Karamanlis… that do not long for more the USA. The worldwide rehearsalof creation of terrorist climate via SMS and email… was absolutely successful and [anarchopithikoi] Indymedia is henceforth per all moment ready, experienced and armed with boldness, certainty and [molotof] in order to they cause the chaos with that will be given the sign. Naturally the sign WAS NOT NEVER GIVEN for 1.000.000 deads of Yugoslavia, 1.000.000 deads of IRAK, the 1500 non-combatant deads of [Osetias], for the slaughter in Rwanda or for the tortures of [Gkoyntanamo]. NO ONE [ap]'? all these MASS IMPLEMENTATIONS of NATO [skotise] the apes of Indymedia. On the contrary was enough a alone accidental death in Exarchia of Athens in order to causes 50.000.000 Euros damage… NO in the [EKALI]… but in Patision. No in the private universities but in the Public Universities of poor. No in the PORSCHE but in the PUNTO. In a season of generalised crisis and unemployment the GREEK INDYMEDIA accepting commands from the known centres… accomplished in one night it sends in the unemployment 2.500 workers and it creates a ARTIFICIAL PICTURE of chaos and anarchy in Greece that aims in the dramatic reduction of tourism but also in the withdrawl of foreigner capital from the Grant. In this way will the Greek government re-think very seriously her collaboration with [Poytin] and she will stop she spoils the plans of USA for the "? [Makedonia]". And all these "? [yperocha]"? results… we owe him… in GREEK TERRORISTS… that make use of ACADEMIC asylum that VERY RELIABLY and WITH their JOY provides the GREEK Academic community. Big sponsor George Soros that finances internationally EACH [ANTHELLINIKI] ENERGY. For the central co-ordination of Indymedia and in detail benefit of information that concerns the ALL destructions per the planet… even the American newspapers refer in GREEK Athens-Indymedia. There exist the do directives on the realisation of attacks but also the all probative material of "? [spoydaias]"? and "? [dimioyrgikis]"? action of kingdom of VIOLENCE of IDIOTS. Naturally Indymedia is entertained in server the Techical university which the Rectoral Beginnings WORSHIP him they see be burned so that [xanatseposoyn] STARTERS for the new equipment that is bought in annual base henceforth.
It does not want also a lot of brain occupies no one THAT WAS ORGANISED the ATTACK IN the GREEK SOCIETY. In time zero [Sara] and [Mara] of world network of Indymedia ran to rip Greek Flags and with USE of VIOLENCE to pull the international attention of SME in the death of one of young man in Greece. All AMERICAN INTERESTS SME… they presented Greece with unstable regime, a POLICE state that executes minors while the all Hellenism went down in the streets in order to it causes the fall of Imperialistic Government of [Kostaki] and [Natasas] Karamanlis. The same day… did the all photographic probative material from the demonstrations in foreigner countries RETURN in the web page [ap]'? where it left the command for the creation of chaos, that is to say in Greek Indymedia.[Ekei] was organised, it was categorized and it is sold in interested in order to they comprehend the possibilities of calamitous machine that were set up via Indymedia. Nevertheless… NO ONE ELLHNIKO BULLETIN of NEWS was not reported in Indymedia of George Soros and was not reported this word trying they convince the Greeks… that it was a social explosion that him caused the unemployment, the problems in the education and the POLICE state. [Koyrafexala] that is to say… that aims in the fall of Karamanlis… that do not long for more the USA. The worldwide rehearsalof creation of terrorist climate via SMS and email… was absolutely successful and [anarchopithikoi] Indymedia is henceforth per all moment ready, experienced and armed with boldness, certainty and [molotof] in order to they cause the chaos with that will be given the sign. Naturally the sign WAS NOT NEVER GIVEN for 1.000.000 deads of Yugoslavia, 1.000.000 deads of IRAK, the 1500 non-combatant deads of [Osetias], for the slaughter in Rwanda or for the tortures of [Gkoyntanamo]. NO ONE [ap]'? all these MASS IMPLEMENTATIONS of NATO [skotise] the apes of Indymedia. On the contrary was enough a alone accidental death in Exarchia of Athens in order to causes 50.000.000 Euros damage… NO in the [EKALI]… but in Patision. No in the private universities but in the Public Universities of poor. No in the PORSCHE but in the PUNTO. In a season of generalised crisis and unemployment the GREEK INDYMEDIA accepting commands from the known centres… accomplished in one night it sends in the unemployment 2.500 workers and it creates a ARTIFICIAL PICTURE of chaos and anarchy in Greece that aims in the dramatic reduction of tourism but also in the withdrawl of foreigner capital from the Grant. In this way will the Greek government re-think very seriously her collaboration with [Poytin] and she will stop she spoils the plans of USA for the "? [Makedonia]". And all these "? [yperocha]"? results… we owe him… in GREEK TERRORISTS… that make use of ACADEMIC asylum that VERY RELIABLY and WITH their JOY provides the GREEK Academic community. Big sponsor George Soros that finances internationally EACH [ANTHELLINIKI] ENERGY. For the central co-ordination of Indymedia and in detail benefit of information that concerns the ALL destructions per the planet… even the American newspapers refer in GREEK Athens-Indymedia. There exist the do directives on the realisation of attacks but also the all probative material of "? [spoydaias]"? and "? [dimioyrgikis]"? action of kingdom of VIOLENCE of IDIOTS. Naturally Indymedia is entertained in server the Techical university which the Rectoral Beginnings WORSHIP him they see be burned so that [xanatseposoyn] STARTERS for the new equipment that is bought in annual base henceforth.
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